Shan Ng
Writer / Director
My Half Night With Him
My Half Night With Him is an urban tale about sex, breaking up and bad karma.
Set in London but heavily influenced by Buddhist ideas of reincarnation and destiny My Half Night With Him sets out to explore the themes of contemporary female sexuality and self-worth in a way that is frequently haunting and surreal. The result will be a film that is simultaneously poetic and deeply unsettling.
Using the backdrop of a busy and often unwelcoming London My Half Night With Him follows Chinese immigrant Bee as she struggles to come to terms with the way that her relationship with her boyfriend El is changing and disintegrating.
Having been told by El that his feelings for her are still deep but now purely platonic Bee embarks on a series of progressively troubled attempts to sexually satisfy him which range from jointly watching home made pornographic videos of the woman he fancies to hiring a prostitute for him to use.
However, none of these ploys work and as their relationship enters its death throes El and Bee each have a series of flashbacks to their former lives and we begin to realise that events which happened in their past lifetimes preclude the chance of their relationship ever working in this one.
Bee must now rebuild her life and her confidence but her desire to be sexually attractive makes her vulnerable and she is repeatedly taken advantage of by men who want to use her in some way until she eventually finds both love and companionship from an unlikely source.
When she is invited to enjoy a threesome with a woman with whom she enjoyed a sexual relationship in a past lifetime, and her current husband, Bee finally has the strength and confidence to refuse and in so doing, to ultimately discover her real self.
My Half Night With Him is a challenging and thought provoking urban tale about sex, breaking up and karma.
Production Photos

You can also view the project information on :
Project Outline
shortlisted by Microwave Film Fund, Film London Aug 2011.
in development with B3 Media Jun-Dec 2012, presented at BAFTA to industry professionals in Dec 2012.
a six minute film of selected scenes is made for the presentation.
full storyboard is available.
Proof of concept film - Sample scenes - 6'
Scene 1 and 2
Scene 4

Small Heading
Scene 18
Scene 12

Scene 22
Scene 38

Scene 38

Scene 48

Scene 99

Concept drawings
by Edward Lidster